Ca·lam·i·ty: Noun kəˈlamitē
I am impressed once again with the conduct of the people living in “Not So United Nation Living in Pakistan” seems to be united. I think we should get more of these Earthquakes and Floods as they are the only means of keeping this Nation United. I am also impressed by the idiocy of this nation, no one sees the poor going down in the floods of inflation and price hike or even the Earthquakes from those Utility bills. Why don’t these things unite us? I guess it has become a fashion to be a hypocrite in this country. We are united only where we see fame of being called a “ Humanitarian ”. I ask what about us? What about them? What about the more than 100 million people of this country slowly drowning in the floods of price hike and the scared with the rumblings of the Earthquakes of the Utility Crisis? At least this flood covering 1/5 of Pakistan would have been averted if in the past years we had some construction done in KALABAGH . What a name and what a dark place it is, to protect th...