
Showing posts from January, 2013

Tsunami Khan

With Qadiri sahab and his so claimed 4 million followers taking to the streets of a city with a population of just 9.34 million and supreme judiciary making some 'awesome' decisions, the government seeking advise and consulting its allies. while qadiri vows to change the 'status qou' and to bring down all the corrupt, Still there is no sign of Tsunami Khan and PTI the advocates of change. Its hard to believe that Khan sahab says one thing and then he doesn't really live up to it.  He claimed that the Chief Election                                 Commissioner of Pakistan is Just and honest, yet doesn't take part in the by election cause he calls them rigged.   Why cannot we look at ourselves rather than commenting the same for people we follow. One live in a 20,000 sq ft house in  Islamabad  and his team members tweet that i an having a hard time finding my way out of Sharif  Family's  Riwind palace (35,000 sq ft). Qadiri sahab is lucky and so could ha