Strategy and Planning of a Politician

A Politician's Mission:

"To seek and attain wealth, power and status for self by any means necessary"

Their Objective:

Attain that at all cost through the political setup

Their Strategy:

First MPA then, MNA then, and then who knows what.

Their Plan:

In accordance with their strategy.

So the bottom line is that they do have a strategy and have their objectives and on that basis the plan using the info and resources available to them at that time. They do research and compile the data in their heads to formulate conclusions and formulate strategies and plans.

Let me explain to u a case study:

Politician: Asif Ali Zardari


"To seek and attain wealth, power and status for self by any means necessary"


Attain that at all cost through the political setup

His Strategy:

First MPA then, MNA then, and Then Minister, Now the President.

His Action Plan:

In accordance with their strategy.

Initial stages Plans.

He wanted to a powerful man thus marring the daughter (Benazir Bhutto) of a dead politician (Zufiqar Ali Bhutto).

Then PPP winning the elections and Asif Ali Zardari getting his seat in Sindh Assembly Becoming a MPA.

Party regaining power he now become an MNA. And a Minister.

During these years u have known him as MR. Ten Percent (10%) reason attain more wealth.

Recently he was having problems and was no longer the member of PPP Party. With cases of corruption against him and his wife. His wife went for a deal with then the President Pervaiz Musharraf. This deal included only the party members which at that time Asif Ali Zardari was not. (A fact). Thus getting wife killed to take over the party and get the benefits of NRO.

So the bottom line is that they do have a strategy and have their objectives and on that basis they plan using the info and resources available to them at that time. They do research and compile the data in their heads to formulate conclusions. Helping them to make decisions.


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