And He said Let there be Light and Wallah there it was

Load Shedding has become a part of Pakistani society & culture since the dawn of the coalition of PPPP and PML-N. As soon as the coalition broke and Asif Ali Zardari came into power the cities in pakistan are experiencing less load shedding. Amazingly since the Dark day that Asif Ali Zardari was elected as the president of pakistan (elect) there seems to be no load shedding at all in the Lahore Cantt. So i ask the people of paksitan to tell me if this penomenon happening in all the Large cities of pakistan or is it a miracle that pakistan has actually has power for all the country needs or is it just another political game being played here. Last time i checked pakistan was short 6000 Megawatts and recently the Bin Qasim plant blew one on its turbine because of overload that was only 200 Megawatts more to the 6000 already. We aslo hear about recomendation of Rs.5 reduction in petroleum prices. I ask is it that simple that to solve the problems of Pakistanis then i will love to call Mr. Asif Ali Zardari "My President". It looks to me like someone is again playing with the hearts and mind of the nation.


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