Fire in the Sky

Our Government these days is alway trying to raise prices of pertolum products and Natural Gas. even though the prices in the world markets have fallen in the last few weeks. the barrel of Crude oil is down 30 percent to $104 and natural gas id down 48 percent to $7.34. Such big drops and still the government is doing nothing to reduce the prices of petroleum products and natural gas. Pakistani people are still paying the same prices hiked up prices. I ask why is it so?
the petroleum prices like Hi-Octane and Super should fall 30 percent from Rs.86 to Rs. 60 and the gas tariff should be reduced. I ask for the petrol prices to reduce exactly the same amount as Hi-Octane and Super have no subsidy. why is it also a fact that whenever the prices are raised the media organizations scream and when they should to be reduce do nothing at all. This is the duty of our media organizations to do so for the benefit of the people.


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