wah wah wah Huzza Hurray!

wah wah wah Huzza Hurray! three Cheers for our beloved Government. why you ask the answer lies on the rate cards of the country's filling stations. Let me tell you what they say:
HiOctane Rs.91.77
Regular/Premier: Rs.81.86
Hispeed Deisel : Rs. 61.86

and what is the price in the open market of crude oil $ 95 per barrel (200 gallons)

and when the price of crude oil was in the open market$ 147 per barrel (200 gallons)
HiOctane Rs.96.79
Regular/Premier: Rs.85.66
Hispeed Deisel : Rs. 57.56

good really good that what u get waisting ur vote on a Corrupt party.


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